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How To Quickly buy Google Domains and forward a domain

Domains Google How to quickly buy and forward a domain with google domains Google Sites with personalized URL. Google Domains

Domains Google How to quickly buy and forward a domain (with google domains)

buy and forward a domain

let me let you in on a little bit of a secret.

So most people think I am more technical than I actually am. Yeah, that's it. Of course, I know Infusionsoft pretty well and that's my bread and butter and where I have sort of planted my flag as Infusionsoft education and training.

But when it comes to like writing code or building websites or server access protocols and stuff, I'm kind of a dummy. And I don't actually have much of an appetite to teach myself those things or to learn about it, so I rely on friends for help with my website or things that are generally over my technical pay grade. 

So I say all that because I have always felt a little bit left out when my friends talk about like buying domains or being like domain-buying junkies or addicts. They stock up on URLs that they like or that they plan to use or that they just want to own because they think they'll be valuable. I've never really understood that whole space and because it has felt foreign and technical, I've just kind of like ignored it and pretended like it wasn't a thing. But recently, I figured out how you can quickly and inexpensively buy a domain

and how you can easily set it up so that if somebody goes to that domain, it forwards to your actual website. So let's take a look. I will show you my process and why I think this is valuable. (upbeat pulsing tones) So there are lots of places to buy domains

I'm gonna buy mine at I'm searching for, that's the URL that I want. One of my courses is the CB Trilogy and it is available at $12 a year, so let's go ahead and add that to the cart. Then we can hop into the cart here. Of course, if you're buying more than one domain, you would keep shopping or whatever. 

But I'm just gonna check out here with the one domain. 

When you check out, it's gonna take just a quick second to register, but my point here is that like you can get domains. This one is $1 a month for fairly inexpensive. Of course, more popular phrases or URLs or extensions will probably be more expensive, 

but this one's very low risk for me and then you've got some options. You can build a site or in my case, I'm just gonna set up forwarding, so when somebody goes to Mysite, I want them to actually be forwarded to my courses page. 

And I do want this SSL setting on. So that means if they go to HTTP or HTTPS, it will still forward to the courses page where the information about my CB Trilogy course lives. So let's go ahead and test this by pulling up and boom, it redirects to the CB Trilogy page on my site. All right guys, so as you just saw, you can quickly and easily buy a domain and set it up to forward to an existing page on your website.

Now, why is this valuable? Well, for a few reasons. I'm not actually sure if I would use this tactic for like paid traffic because I think if you have a URL that points somewhere and then redirects immediately, that might be fishy for like Facebook Ads or for Google Ads and I probably wouldn't use this in email marketing because they don't see the URL, they're just clicking on text through on an image or on a button and so having the extra redirect would only slow things down for them.

But where I would use this is anytime you need to do like a live call to action. So if I'm delivering a webinar or a live presentation and I'm talking about the Campaign Builder and how great it is and then people are raising their hands and clamoring for, "Greg! Where can we get more information "about how to use the Campaign Builder?" Well, rather than telling them,

"Hey, go to monkeypod com courses CB-trilogy," which is just a mouthful, I would say, "Hey, go to cbtrilogy com." And now that I own that domain, I can use that verbally to direct people. It's easy to remember. It's quick and short. It's sticky and then when they type in that URL, the forwarding we just set up is gonna take them to my actual website where the details about the course are hosted and that's an easier and simpler way for everyone, right? 

I don't have to worry about getting the URL right or emphasizing certain things and then for them, it's just easy to get the information that they were after in the first place. So this is a new skill for me. It's maybe something you guys have known for ages, but whenever I learn something new, I like to package it up in case it serves you guys as well. So that is it.


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